Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school, the only girl he ever dated, has died. Then, after an accident he finds himself in a time leap back to his middle school years. He vows to change the future and save the girl, and to do that he aims to rise to the top of the Kanto region’s most brutal delinquent gang.
– The original Japanese title contains the manji symbol, so it will not be removed from the title on MangaDex.
– Addendum on the “Manji” for those uninformed. From Seven Seas’ Omnibus Edition:
*”In East Asia the manji (卍) is an ancient religious symbol of power and good fortune for many different countries and religions around the world, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and a number of Indo-European and Native American religions as well.”*
*”The specific meaning of the symbol varies by nation and religion, and also by the position of the “arms” of the cross–whether they face left or right, or whether the cross is tilted or straight.”*
*”In the 1930s, the swastika symbol–a clockwise, tilted cross–was adopted by the Nazi Political Party in Germany, and gained a negative reputation as a symbol of hatred in the modern world.”*
*”The manji used by the Tokyo Manji Gang as their emblem is intended to be the ancient Buddhist symbol, as evidenced by the appearance of its counterclockwise, straight arms…”*
– [Official English Translation (Seven Seas)](
– [Official English Translation (Kodansha USA)](
- Ch. 278.8 Extra #8 - First Blood 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.7 Extra #7 - Excalibur and Me 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.6 Extra #6 - Take a dare 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.5 Extra #5 - Be back on their feet 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.4 Ride a Tiger 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.3 Extra #3 Have a Tiger by the Tail 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.2 Extra #2 Wings To Tiger 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278.1 Extra #1 The Wounded Tiger 02/11/2025
- Ch. 278 Revengers 02/11/2025
- Ch. 277 At Last 02/11/2025
- Ch. 276 Get Over 02/11/2025
- Ch. 275 Cold Hearted 02/11/2025
- Ch. 274 No Holding Back 02/11/2025
- Ch. 273 Carry On 02/11/2025
- Ch. 272 Over Again 02/11/2025
- Ch. 271 Empty Wish 02/11/2025
- Ch. 270 Worth my While 02/11/2025
- Ch. 269 All Things Must Pass 02/11/2025
- Ch. 268 Another Such
- Ch. 267 To Signal a Counterattack 02/11/2025
- Ch. 266 Make Vision a Reality 02/11/2025
- Ch. 265 Stand By Me 02/11/2025
- Ch. 264 Not Only the Force but Also 02/11/2025
- Ch. 263 Be Strong 02/11/2025
- Ch. 262 To Rout and Ravages 02/11/2025
- Ch. 261 Opposite Sides of the Same Coin 02/11/2025
- Ch. 260 Squaring Off Against 02/11/2025
- Ch. 259 Like a Something Demoniac 02/11/2025
- Ch. 258 Strange Bedfellows 02/11/2025
- Ch. 257 Tipping Point 02/11/2025
- Ch. 256 Behind the Scenes 02/11/2025
- Ch. 255 Holy Cow! 02/11/2025
- Ch. 254 Train Wreck 02/11/2025
- Ch. 253 The Worst is Come 02/11/2025
- Ch. 252 Bring Back 02/11/2025
- Ch. 251 Get Out of Hand 02/11/2025
- Ch. 250 Turn the Table 02/11/2025
- Ch. 249 Good Chemistry 02/11/2025
- Ch. 248 Long Time No See 02/11/2025
- Ch. 247 Hey Dude 02/11/2025
- Ch. 246 Giant Killing 02/11/2025
- Ch. 245 Grow Up To 02/11/2025
- Ch. 244 The Showdown Battle 02/11/2025
- Ch. 243 Wide Array Of 02/11/2025
- Ch. 242 Inherit The Crown 02/11/2025
- Ch. 241 A Forced Smile 02/11/2025
- Ch. 240 Go Into Retirement 02/11/2025
- Ch. 239 Steel The Show 02/11/2025
- Ch. 238 Really Into It 02/11/2025
- Ch. 237 Make Allies 02/11/2025
- Ch. 236 Band of Brothers 02/11/2025
- Ch. 235 Just Be Yourself 02/11/2025
- Ch. 234 There is no Mending 02/11/2025
- Ch. 233 Better Late Than Never 02/11/2025
- Ch. 232 It Takes Two to Tango 02/11/2025
- Ch. 231 Blood-Chilling 02/11/2025
- Ch. 230 Get Stuck-up 02/11/2025
- Ch. 229 Go Easy on 02/11/2025
- Ch. 228 Beat Hell Out of 02/11/2025
- Ch. 227 Gangster 02/11/2025
- Ch. 226 Dynamic Duo 02/11/2025
- Ch. 225 Free-for-all 02/11/2025
- Ch. 224 Cutthroat 02/11/2025
- Ch. 223 Good Old Days 02/11/2025
- Ch. 222 Give Back 02/11/2025
- Ch. 221 Ups and Downs of His Fate 02/11/2025
- Ch. 220 Bull's-eye 02/11/2025
- Ch. 219 A Sense of Foreboding 02/11/2025
- Ch. 218 Queen it Over 02/11/2025
- Ch. 217 Have Never Seen Anything Like It 02/11/2025
- Ch. 198 Lose Myself In Memory 02/11/2025
- Ch. 197 Be Left Behind the Times 02/11/2025
- Ch. 196 Can Say That Again 02/11/2025
- Ch. 195 Lingering Scent 02/11/2025
- Ch. 194 The Keepsake 02/11/2025
- Ch. 193 Feel Great! 02/11/2025
- Ch. 192 Just be Close at Hand 02/11/2025
- Ch. 191 Be The World To Me 02/11/2025
- Ch. 190 Until Next Time 02/11/2025
- Ch. 189 Break-Up 02/11/2025
- Ch. 188 The Lion of the Day 02/11/2025
- Ch. 187 Way To Go 02/11/2025
- Ch. 186 It's Been Real 02/11/2025
- Ch. 185 Meet his Fate 02/11/2025
- Ch. 184 Wind Something Up 02/11/2025
- Ch. 183 Lay The Plan 02/11/2025
- Ch. 182 A Present to The Mind 02/11/2025
- Ch. 181 Take a Vow 02/11/2025
- Ch. 180 Run After 02/11/2025
- Ch. 179 End the Standoff 02/11/2025
- Ch. 178 Lost Paradise 02/11/2025
- Ch. 177 Déracinée 02/11/2025
- Ch. 176 What Was Been Left 02/11/2025
- Ch. 175 Admonitions are not sweet 02/11/2025
- Ch. 174 Nothing is Left 02/11/2025
- Ch. 173 The One and Only 02/11/2025
- Ch. 172 Lose Your Touch 02/11/2025
- Ch. 171 Showdown at the Summit 02/11/2025
- Ch. 170 Homecoming 02/11/2025
- Ch. 169 The Home Front 02/11/2025
- Ch. 168 Headliner 02/11/2025
- Ch. 167 Who Wouldn't 02/11/2025
- Ch. 166 Brave Heart 02/11/2025
- Ch. 165 Things Change, But Not All 02/11/2025
- Ch. 164 Head the List 02/11/2025
- Ch. 163 Awake my Potential 02/11/2025
- Ch. 162 The Blue Ogre 02/11/2025
- Ch. 161 The baby of the Family 02/11/2025
- Ch. 160 Stand No Chance 02/11/2025
- Ch. 159 I Know In My Head 02/11/2025
- Ch. 158 Untamed Heart 02/11/2025
- Ch. 157 Money Monger 02/11/2025
- Ch. 156 A Den of Iniquity 02/11/2025
- Ch. 155 Turn The Tide 02/11/2025
- Ch. 154 Be In The Van 02/11/2025
- Ch. 153 Nocte King 02/11/2025
- Ch. 152 Rise Against 02/11/2025
- Ch. 151 Just Do It 02/11/2025
- Ch. 150 Damn it 02/11/2025
- Ch. 149 Arch Villain 02/11/2025
- Ch. 148 Don't freak out 02/11/2025
- Ch. 147 The root of all evil 02/11/2025
- Ch. 146 A bad hunch 02/11/2025
- Ch. 145 Go-to guy 02/11/2025
- Ch. 144 big hearted 02/11/2025
- Ch. 143 come back to life 02/11/2025
- Ch. 142 family tree 02/11/2025
- Ch. 141 lay out a plan 02/11/2025
- Ch. 140 back stab 02/11/2025
- Ch. 139 make an exception 02/11/2025
- Ch. 138 stick together 02/11/2025
- Ch. 137 02/11/2025
- Ch. 136 my lot in life 02/11/2025
- Ch. 135 even i can 02/11/2025
- Ch. 134 02/11/2025
- Ch. 133 sell out 02/11/2025
- Ch. 132 the big baddy 02/11/2025
- Ch. 131 rest in peace 02/11/2025
- Ch. 130 pep party 02/11/2025
- Ch. 129 02/11/2025
- Ch. 128 gang of four 02/11/2025
- Ch. 127 No way 02/11/2025
- Ch. 126 Two peas in a pod 02/11/2025
- Ch. 125 Brother in arms 02/11/2025
- Ch. 124 When it rains, it pours 02/11/2025
- Ch. 123 You're not my type 02/11/2025
- Ch. 122 twin to dragon 02/11/2025
- Ch. 121 last but not least 02/11/2025
- Ch. 120 can take it 02/11/2025
- Ch. 119 too late to be sorry 02/11/2025
- Ch. 118 Life comes and Goes 02/11/2025
- Ch. 117 Last Order 02/11/2025
- Ch. 81 Stand Alone 02/11/2025
- Ch. 80 Thicker than Water 02/11/2025
- Ch. 79 Fuck Off 02/11/2025
- Ch. 78 Hey, Pal 02/11/2025
- Ch. 77 Gotta Go 02/11/2025
- Ch. 76 It is What It is 02/11/2025
- Ch. 75 Let One Down 02/11/2025
- Ch. 74 Get Back 02/11/2025
- Ch. 73 A Crybaby 02/11/2025
- Ch. 72 An Old Tale 02/11/2025
- Ch. 71 Same Old Same Old 02/11/2025
- Ch. 70 Tide Turns 02/11/2025
- Ch. 69 Big Moment 02/11/2025
- Ch. 68 Sunday Best 02/11/2025
- Ch. 67 Man-Crush 02/11/2025
- Ch. 66 Have an Affair 02/11/2025
- Ch. 65 My Fam 02/11/2025
- Ch. 64 End of War 02/11/2025
- Ch. 63 One for All 02/11/2025
- Ch. 62 Last Wishes 02/11/2025
- Ch. 61 In Tears 02/11/2025
- Ch. 60 One and Only 02/11/2025
- Ch. 59 Get Mad 02/11/2025
- Ch. 58 Dead or Alive 02/11/2025
- Ch. 57 Look Up For 02/11/2025
- Ch. 56 The One 02/11/2025
- Ch. 55 No Match For 02/11/2025
- Ch. 54 Below the Belt 02/11/2025
- Ch. 53 Turn Around 02/11/2025
- Ch. 52 Never Fear, I'm Here 02/11/2025
- Ch. 51 Open Fire 02/11/2025
- Ch. 50 Before Dawn 02/11/2025
- Ch. 49 Grow Apart 02/11/2025
- Ch. 48 No Way 02/11/2025
- Ch. 47 Level With 02/11/2025
- Ch. 46 Made Up my Mind 02/11/2025
- Ch. 45 Take Out on 02/11/2025
- Ch. 44 Screw up 02/11/2025
- Ch. 43 In those Days 02/11/2025
- Ch. 42 Once upon a time 02/11/2025
- Ch. 41 Double cross 02/11/2025
- Ch. 40 No pain, no gain 02/11/2025
- Ch. 39 My buddy 02/11/2025
- Ch. 38 Break Up 02/11/2025
- Ch. 37 Enter the Stage 02/11/2025
- Ch. 36 Anyone's Guess 02/11/2025
- Ch. 35 Odds and Ends 02/11/2025
- Ch. 34 Darkest Hour 02/11/2025
- Ch. 33 Revenge 02/11/2025
- Ch. 32 Rebuild 02/11/2025
- Ch. 31 Recognize 02/11/2025
- Ch. 30 Recept 02/11/2025
- Ch. 29 Respect 02/11/2025
- Ch. 28 Reel 02/11/2025
- Ch. 27 Regain 02/11/2025
- Ch. 26 Realize 02/11/2025
- Ch. 25 Rerise 02/11/2025
- Ch. 24 Revoke 02/11/2025
- Ch. 23 Reseek 02/11/2025
- Ch. 22 Reconflict 02/11/2025
- Ch. 21 Revolt 02/11/2025
- Ch. 20 Reinspire 02/11/2025
- Ch. 19 Restart 02/11/2025
- Ch. 18 Recharge 02/11/2025
- Ch. 17 Redivide 02/11/2025
- Ch. 16 Reignition 02/11/2025
- Ch. 15 Revive 02/11/2025
- Ch. 14 Resort 02/11/2025
- Ch. 13 Regret 02/11/2025
- Ch. 12.5 Zero 02/11/2025
- Ch. 12 Remind 02/11/2025
- Ch. 11 Reburn 02/11/2025
- Ch. 10 Reply 02/11/2025
- Ch. 9 Releap 02/11/2025
- Ch. 8 Reseparate 02/11/2025
- Ch. 7 Rejoin 02/11/2025
- Ch. 6 Return 02/11/2025
- Ch. 5 Revolve 02/11/2025
- Ch. 4 Relieve 02/11/2025
- Ch. 3 Resolve 02/11/2025
- Ch. 2 Resist 02/11/2025
- Ch. 1 Reborn 02/11/2025