The first prince, a childhood friend, a general, and an assassin – what if they suddenly ask for love…?! An anthology from “Moonlight novels” that collects the adorable stories of young women and charming men! Includes one-shots with plenty of lovely and sweet R-rated scenes. We will give you a lovely romance with high sugar content!
**Volume 1:**
Cover Art: Hachibi ☆ Wan
1. “Akuyaku Reijou wa Nigedashitai” (悪役令嬢は逃げ出したい; The Villainess Can’t Escape; The Villainess Wants to Flee), Art by Fuyukusa Momo, Story by Akane Sumire, [Original Web Novel](, [Translated Novel]( Reincarnated into the body of the villainess, Lucier, who is about to be engaged to the main capture target and crown prince, Leonhardt, can she escape her death flag?
2. “Konyaku Haki no go Riyou wa Keikakuteki ni” (姫君は若き将軍に溺れる; The Princess Is Weak Towards the Young General), Art by Kitamura Shin, Story by Tachibana Itsuki, [Original Web Novel](
3. “Moujiki Otome Game no Hajimaru Kisetsudesuga, Mob no Watashi mo Taihendesu” (もうじき乙女ゲームの始まる季節ですが、モブのわたしも大変です; The Otome Game’s Season Will Begin, but It’s Too Difficult for Me Who’s a Mob), Art by Tsutsumi Hato, Story by Usui Katsura, [Original Web Novel](
4. “Himegimi wa Wakaki Shougun ni Oboreru” (婚約破棄のご利用は計画的に; The Use of the Engagement Braking Was Planned), Art by Nekonomori Shima, Story by Ouya Saki, [Original Web Novel]( | [PG Version](
**Volume 2:**
Cover Art: Hachibi ☆ Wan
1. “Kyuukoku no Kishi-sama Kara Etchina Kotoba ga Tomarimasen ~tsu” (救国の騎士様からえっちな言葉が止まりませんっ, The Patriot Knight Won’t Stop Seducing Me), Art by Potagi, Story by Mizuno Emu, [Original Web Novel](
2. “”Kouri no Reijou to Honou no Ouji” (氷の令嬢と炎の王子, The Ice Lady and the Flame Prince), Art by Harumi Tako, Story by Cider, [Original Web Novel](
3. “The Knight’s Sweet Trap ~Aphrodisiac Won’t Work on Me! (Maybe)~” (騎士団長の甘い罠 ~私に媚薬はききません! (多分)~), Art by Shizuku, Story by Azagishi Kyuu, [Original Web Novel](
4. “Akuyaku Reijou wa Nigerarenai” (悪役令嬢は逃げられない; The Villainess Cannot Escape), Art by Fuyukusa Momo, Story by Akane Sumire, [Original Web Novel](, [Translated Novel](
5. “Danzai Sareta Imouto to Jinsei Chenji Shita no ni, Nazeka Yandere Otto ga Morenaku Tsuite Kuru Nodesuga” (断罪された妹と人生チェンジしたのに、何故かヤンデレ夫がもれなくついてくるのですが。, My Life Was Switched With My Sister’s Who Was Condemned, but, for Some Reason, My Yandere Husband Came Along), Art by Kurage Alto, Story by Iseya Reki, [Original Web Novel](, [Translated Novel](
**Volume 3:**
Cover Art: Uehara Hachi
1. “Harumachi no Neko Hime to Byakko no Dan’na-sama” (春待の猫姫と白虎の旦那様, The Cat Princess Waiting for Spring and the White Tiger Husband), Art by Kikuta Yui, Story by Miyata Syanon, [Original Web Novel](
2. “Watashi, Jitai Shitai to Omoimasu” (私、辞退したいと思います。, I Want to Withdraw My Candidacy), Art by Mikoto Kaname, Story by Shirahata Sagari, [Original Web Novel](, [Translated Novel](
3. “Tetsukamen Reiketsu Kishi wa, Kokoro no Naka de Dake Ai o Sakebu” (鉄仮面冷血騎士は、心の中でだけ愛を叫ぶ。, The Iron-Masked, Cold-Blooded Knight Cries out for Love Only in His Heart), Art by Shizuku, Story by Sheena Saera, [Original Web Novel](
4. “Honou no Ouji to Kouri no Reijou” (炎の王子と氷の令嬢, The Flame Prince and the Ice Lady), Art by Harumi Tako, Story by Cider, [Original Web Novel](
5. “Kuro Kishi o Iyashita Sekinin wa Dare ni Aru no Ka” (黒騎士を癒やした責任は誰にあるのか, Whose Duty Is It to Heal the Black Knight?), Art by Mikanagi Fubito, Story by Kuma Shiro, [Original Web Novel](
**Volume 4:**
Cover Art: Uehara Hachi
1. “Eiyuu no Oku-sama” (英雄の奥様), Art by Saco (サコ), Story by Kugami Rumi, [Original Web Novel](
2. “Isshou Aisanai to Iwa Retanode” (一生愛さないと言われたので), Art by Umibara Yuta, Story by 葬田なない, [Original Web Novel](
3. お腹が痛いのでパーティーには行きません。なので断罪は後にしてください!, Art by KATINO, Story by Hito☆Maru, [Original Web Novel](
4. “Tasogare no Koujo ha Henkyou no Shiro ni Totsugu” (黄昏の皇女は辺境の城に嫁ぐ), Art by 白旗サガリ, Story by 無憂, [Original Web Novel](
**Volume 5:**
Cover Art: Uehara Hachi
1. “Akuyaku Reijou to Yuganda Torikago” (悪役令嬢と歪んだ鳥籠), Art by Shidzuki Chitose, Story by 犬咲. [Original Web Novel](
2. “Yasashii Uso to Seiryaku Kekkon” (やさしい嘘と政略結婚), Art by Sakae Hiraku, Story by 藤沢みや, Character design by: ウエハラ蜂. [Original Web Novel](
3. うっかり助けた魔女の恩返しで、好きな人の元に自動で向かう魔法を靴にかけられ、彼に触れると発動する淫紋を刻まれた私に起こった椿事。, Art by Hirono Azuma, Story by 待鳥園子. [Original Web Novel](
4. “Zenryoku de Akuyakureijou wo Enjiyou to Shitara Heroine ga Otoko de Ringoku no Ouji Deshita” (全力で悪役令嬢を演じようとしたら、ヒロインが男で隣国の王子でした), Art by Potagi, Story by 茅野ガク. [Original Web Novel](
5. “Kon’yaku Haki Sarete Mukatsuitanode Guchi o Kiite Kureta Otoko to Etchi Shitara, Toshiue no Koushaku-Samadatta Kudan” (婚約破棄されてムカついたので愚痴を聞いてくれた男とエッチしたら、年上の公爵様だった件。), Art by Ohno Natsu, Story by 狭山雪菜. [Original Web Novel](
6. “Denka, Kawaii Kunaitte Iwanaide?” (殿下、可愛くないって言わないで?; Your Highness, Didn’t You Say That I’m Not Cute?), Art by Umibara Yuta, Story by Ougi Machiko. [Original Web Novel](, [Translated Novel](
**Volume 6 Contents:**
Cover Art: Uehara Hachi
1. “Menkui Hakusyaku Reisokuno Sukinahito” (面食い伯爵令息の好きな人), Art by Nekotaka, Story by Makita. [Original Web Novel](
2. 三十歳まで童貞だと魔法使いじゃなくなっちゃうらしいので、魔法騎士の幼馴染のために一肌脱ぎます!, Art by Sakae Hiraku, Story by 夜明星良. [Original Web Novel](
3. 亡国の姫は最後の騎士と強制的につがいにさせられる, Art by Suzumiya Yuniko, Story by Akane Tama.
4. 婚約解消したら絶倫辺境伯に愛されて幸せになりました, Art by Haruhi Haru, Story by 茜菫. [Original Web Novel](
5. “Automata to Yayasareru Danna-sama ga Aisaika ni Narumade” (『機械人形』と揶揄される旦那様が愛妻家になるまで), Art by Shiina Akuru, Story by Hito☆Maru. [Original Web Novel](
**Volume 7 Contents:**
Cover Art: Komada Hachi
1. 婚約破棄への旅. Art by ほのみ果奈, Story by 那須のじか. [Original Web Novel](
2. 続・全力で悪役令嬢を演じようとしたら、ヒロインが男で隣国の王子でした. Art by Potagi, Story by 茅野ガク. [Original Web Novel](
3. 3年ぶりに帰って来た夫が違う人になっていた件. Art by Takanashi Madoka, Story by 今泉香耶. [Original Web Novel](
4. 可愛らしい年下婚約者を焦らし過ぎてしまった結果. Art by 野森, Story by Shiki Natsuka. [Original Web Novel](
5. 旦那様の執愛を甘く見てはいけない~この恋は両片思い~. Art by 岸あき, Story by 二階堂まや. [Original Web Novel](
- Ch. 6 The Ice Lady and the Flame Prince 02/24/2025
- Ch. 5 The Patriot Knight Won't Stop Seducing Me 02/24/2025
- Ch. 4 The Use of the Scheduled Engagement Annulment 02/24/2025
- Ch. 3 The Otome Game’s Season Will Begin, but it’s too Difficult for me who’s a Mob 02/24/2025
- Ch. 2 The Princess is Weak Towards the Young General 02/24/2025
- Ch. 1 The Villainess Can't Escape 02/24/2025