At first glance, Kirari Aokigahara appears to be an average, happy-go-lucky first-year high school student. But instead of running late for school one day, she finds herself running late for a meeting at Seaside Cafe hosted by Lucio, the admin of a website called Suicide Cafe.
The sparkling, charming young lady stands out amongst the gathering’s cast of suicidal individuals. She joins the group in swallowing sleeping pills and entering a car filled to the brim with toxic charcoal smoke. However, rather than dying, she wakes up from a dream about a girl’s suicide and is surprised to see that the once-suicidal group appears to be revitalized. Upset that she did not die, Kirari goes home and attempts to kill herself, only to realize that she cannot die, no matter the method.
Lucio then appears to tell Kirari that she has been chosen to save people from ending their lives, including the girl in her dream earlier, and become a magical girl of salvation—a “Suicide Girl.”
- Ch. 40 Tomorrow 03/06/2025
- Ch. 39 The Day Before 03/06/2025
- Ch. 38 A World With No Suicide 03/06/2025
- Ch. 37 Endless Despair and Endless Hope 03/06/2025
- Ch. 36 The Courage to Live 03/06/2025
- Ch. 35 The Sun Rises 03/06/2025
- Ch. 34 Love vs. Love 03/06/2025
- Ch. 33 Small World and Wide World 03/06/2025
- Ch. 32 Mother's Love and a Happy Kiss 03/06/2025
- Ch. 31 Nightmare Train (Part 2) 03/06/2025
- Ch. 30 Nightmare Train (Part 1) 03/06/2025
- Ch. 29 Before Midnight 03/06/2025
- Ch. 28 Living in the Maid Cafe 03/06/2025
- Ch. 27 03/06/2025
- Ch. 26 The Sky Moves Like Life 03/06/2025
- Ch. 25 Soru Twinkling in the Stars 03/06/2025
- Ch. 24 The Disciples of Walking with Death 03/06/2025
- Ch. 23 Akane Niyagara And Her Three Ex-Girlfriends 03/06/2025
- Ch. 22 The Ultimate Idol Forever 03/06/2025
- Ch. 21 03/06/2025
- Ch. 20.5 Until The Sun Sets 5 03/06/2025
- Ch. 20 The Orphans and The Strongest Duo 03/06/2025
- Ch. 19 Obsession 03/06/2025
- Ch. 18 Perish 03/06/2025
- Ch. 17 Panic 03/06/2025
- Ch. 16.5 Until The Sun Sets 4 03/06/2025
- Ch. 16 Suicidogma 03/06/2025
- Ch. 15 The Sun and Cappuccino 03/06/2025
- Ch. 14 Zigzig 03/06/2025
- Ch. 13 My Angel 03/06/2025
- Ch. 12.5 Until The Sun Sets 3 03/06/2025
- Ch. 12 VS Hiruko Cape 03/06/2025
- Ch. 11 The Spot for Two Lovers 03/06/2025
- Ch. 10 Akane Niyagara 03/06/2025
- Ch. 9 03/06/2025
- Ch. 8.5 Until the Sun Sets 2 03/06/2025
- Ch. 8 03/06/2025
- Ch. 7 03/06/2025
- Ch. 6 03/06/2025
- Ch. 5 03/06/2025
- Ch. 4.5 Until the Sun Sets 1 03/06/2025
- Ch. 4 03/06/2025
- Ch. 3 03/06/2025
- Ch. 2 03/06/2025
- Ch. 1 03/06/2025