The sickly and socially withdrawn Princess Ridelle fell in love with the quick-witted knight, Sir Oscar and became his wife. But after finding out that Oscar didn’t wish for the marriage, their marriage life became no different than a pile of misfortunes.
Soon, Ridelle was struck down by another tragedy, changing both of their lives tremendously, but…
This is the love story between a former princess who was looked down upon as “the Failure Princess,” and the young count known as “the Ice Knight”—the crossing of their paths weaving tragedies in their wake.
- Ch. 36 Beyond Time
- Ch. 35 Princess Ridelle
- Ch. 34.2 A Friend's Hand (2)
- Ch. 34.1 A Friend's Hand (1)
- Ch. 33.2 Black Veil (2)
- Ch. 33 Black Veil
- Ch. 32 True Identity
- Ch. 31 Doubt
- Ch. 30 The Fallen Coronet
- Ch. 29 Chasing Her Shadow
- Ch. 28 Hometown
- Ch. 27 An Immutable Portrait
- Ch. 26 Before Departure
- Ch. 25 The Letter
- Ch. 24 Stepping Back
- Ch. 23 It's Like a Wish
- Ch. 22 Beneath the Blue Sky
- Ch. 21 Doubt
- Ch. 20 Their Thoughts Overlapping
- Ch. 19 Between the Past and the Present
- Ch. 18 Remnants
- Ch. 17 Divine Mischief
- Ch. 16 The Truth in Your Eyes
- Ch. 15 Hope
- Ch. 14 The Royal Emissary
- Ch. 13 The Twelve Blank Years
- Ch. 12 To the Me I Used to Be
- Ch. 11 Gears in Motion
- Ch. 10 Penance of the Ice Knight
- Ch. 9 Memories of Days Gone By
- Ch. 8 A Strange Dinner Party
- Ch. 7 Visions of the Past
- Ch. 6 Conflicting Thoughts
- Ch. 5 Fateful Footsteps
- Ch. 4 Reunion
- Ch. 3
- Ch. 2
- Ch. 1