A collection of twitter published manga by Kawasaki Tadataka, they’re described as “short, ecchi” comedy. Four volumes and counting, they’re all available in the Japanese Amazon site for FREE as Kindle e-book.
Volume 1:
1) Marie to Natsu no Umi (マリエと夏の海 , Marie and the Summer Sea)
2) Tonkagya-san de no Manner (とんかっ屋さんでのマナー , Etiquette at a Tonkatsu Restaurant)
3) 〇〇 nao Nee-san (〇〇なお姉さん , 〇〇 Big Sister)
4) 〇〇 na Present (〇〇なプレゼント , 〇〇 Present)
5) Himitsu no Are (秘密のアレ , That’s a Secret)
6) Tatoerunara (例えるなら , For Example)
7) Succubus Moriko-chan (1) (サキュバス モリ子ちゃん)
8) Succubus Moriko-chan (2) (サキュバス モリ子ちゃん)
9) Koushoujin Mashike Masaomi (交渉人 増毛正臣 , The Negotiator, Masaomi Mashike)
10) Pierce no Okayama-san (1) (ピアスの岡山さん , Pierced Okayama-san)
11) Pierce no Okayama-san (2) (ピアスの岡山さん , Pierced Okayama-san)
12) Ichiko to Maya (イチコとマヤ , Ichiko and Maya)
13) Toshishita no Otokonoko ni Are Shichau Hanashi (年下の男の子にアレしちゃう話 , Falling in Love with a Younger Boy)
14) Otsupai Undermining Kouka (おつぱいアンダーマイニング効果 , The Boob Undermining Effect)
15) Katei Kyoushi no JK ga Usugi (家庭教師のJKが薄着 , The High School Private Tutor is Dressed Lightly)
16) Chuu-2 Danshi no Nichijou (中2男子の日常 , Daily Life of a Junior High School Second Year Student)
17) Fumio to Masashi (フ三オとマサシ , Fumio and Masashi)
18) Bouken Otomesan A-chan (冒険乙女三アちゃん , Adventure Maiden Mia-chan)
19) Serizawa-san no Houkago (芹沢さんの放課後 , After School with Serizawa-san)
Volume 2:
1) Battle Manga Couple Niari-Gachina Asa no Koukei (バトル漫画カップルにありがちな朝の光景 , Morning Routine of Couples in Action Manga)
2) Enkaku no Are (遠隔のアレ , Remote That)
3) Tensai Planner Kyouko (天才プランナー京子 , Genius Player Kyouko)
4) Valentine Hunter Matsuzaki (バレンタインハンター松崎)
5) Are no Namae (アレの名前 , The Name of That)
6) Awanai Futari (あわないふたり)
7) Itsudemo Dokodemo Hata-chan (いつでもどこでも八田ちゃん , Anytime and Anywhere, Hatta-chan)
8) Do Seiso Moeri-chan (ド清楚もえりちゃん , Super Tidy Moeri-chan)
9) Isekai Janakute Iikara Kouiu Kankyou ni Tensei Shitai dake no Manga (異世界じゃなくていいからこういう環境に転生したいだけの漫画 , It’s Fine if it isn’t an Isekai, I Just Want to be Reborn in an Environment Like This)
10) Himetaru Omoi (秘めたる想い , Hidden Thoughts)
11) Asa no Misaki-senpai (朝の美咲先輩 , Miki-senpai in the Morning)
12) Okayama-san no Himitsu (岡山さんの秘密 , Okayama-san’s Secret)
13) Jiman no Kanojo (自慢の彼女 , The Girlfriend I’m Proud Of)
14) Kanashibari no Jutsu (金縛りの術 , Kanashibari Technique)
15) Aruhara Kara Hajimaru Are (アルハラから始まるアレ , That, Started After Drink Pushing)
16) Himetaru Omoi (秘めたる想い , Hidden Love)
17) Okaasan no Toutta Koukou (お母さんの通った高校 , The High School Mom Went To)
18) Tada ni Bou Gu (多田に棒ぐ , An Oddering to Tada)
19) Sakusha no Toaru Yoru no Nikki (作者のとある夜の日記 , The Creator’s Journal Entry of a Certain Night)
- Ch. 21 Dog's Name 03/03/2025
- Ch. 20 Take A Break 03/03/2025
- Ch. 19 The Creator's Journal Entry of a Certain Night 03/03/2025
- Ch. 19 After School with Serizawa-san 03/03/2025
- Ch. 18 An Offering to Tada 03/03/2025
- Ch. 18 Adventure Maiden Mia-chan 03/03/2025
- Ch. 17 The High School Mom Went To 03/03/2025
- Ch. 17 Fumio and Masashi 03/03/2025
- Ch. 16 The Daily Life of a Junior High School Second Year Student 03/03/2025
- Ch. 16 If You Go Home After Several Years, the Scenery Tends to Change 03/03/2025
- Ch. 16 Hidden Love 03/03/2025
- Ch. 15 The High School Private Tutor is Dressed Lightly 03/03/2025
- Ch. 15 That, Started After Drink Pushing 03/03/2025
- Ch. 14 The Boob Undermining Effect 03/03/2025
- Ch. 14 Kinshibari no Juutsu 03/03/2025
- Ch. 13 The Girlfriend I'm Proud Of 03/03/2025
- Ch. 13 Negotiating Doing That with a Younger Boy 03/03/2025
- Ch. 13 Harume-chan and Senpai 03/03/2025
- Ch. 12 Okayama-san's Secret 03/03/2025
- Ch. 12 Ichiko and Maya 03/03/2025
- Ch. 11 Pierced Okayama (2) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 11 Miki senpai in the Morning 03/03/2025
- Ch. 10 Pierced Okayama 03/03/2025
- Ch. 10 Hidden Thoughts 03/03/2025
- Ch. 9 The Negotiator, Masaomi Mashike 03/03/2025
- Ch. 9 It's Fine if it isn't an Isekai, I Just Want to be Reborn in an Environment like This 03/03/2025
- Ch. 8 Super Tidy Moeri-Chan 03/03/2025
- Ch. 8 Succubus Moriko (2) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 7 Succubus Moriko 03/03/2025
- Ch. 7 Anytime and Anywhere, Hatta-chan 03/03/2025
- Ch. 6 For Example 03/03/2025
- Ch. 6 Awanai Futari 03/03/2025
- Ch. 5 The Name of That 03/03/2025
- Ch. 5 That's a Secret 03/03/2025
- Ch. 4 ○○ Present 03/03/2025
- Ch. 4 To You Who Might Miss Out on Your Youth 03/03/2025
- Ch. 3 The strict chief of the disciplinary commitee 03/03/2025
- Ch. 3 Genius Planner Kyouko 03/03/2025
- Ch. 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 2 Yoshimura-san who trusts 03/03/2025
- Ch. 2 Remote That 03/03/2025
- Ch. 2 Manners in the Tonkatsu Restaurant 03/03/2025
- Ch. 1 Reach beyond the starry sky 03/03/2025
- Ch. 1 Morning Routine of Couples in Action Manga 03/03/2025
- Ch. 1 Marie at the Summer Sea 03/03/2025
- Ch. -1 Controller 03/03/2025