After growing up an orphan, Mitsuha has a healthy respect for money and a desire to live well—at least, until she dies after being pushed off a cliff. Waking up in a strange fantasy world, Mitsuha narrowly survives an encounter with a pack of wolves, then realizes she has the power to move between this world and the real one. A lesser person might embark on heroic adventures—Mitsuha instead immediately recognizes the lucrative possibilities of her new situation, and heads out to buy an arsenal of modern weapons. Her goal: to acquire 80,000 gold, and the life of leisure she’s always dreamed of!
- Ch. 83 Multitasking in the Royal Capital! - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 82 Travelling alone is full of danger! - Part 3 02/16/2025
- Ch. 81 Travelling alone is full of danger! - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 80 Travelling alone is full of danger! Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 79 I'm the prize, so what - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 78 I'm the prize, so what - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 77 The shrine maiden princess builds a harbour - Part 4 02/16/2025
- Ch. 76 The shrine maiden princess builds a harbour - Part 3 02/16/2025
- Ch. 75 The shrine maiden princess builds a harbour - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 74 The princess shrine maiden builds a pier - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 73 Let's build a Navy! - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 72 Let's build a navy! - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 71 Imprisoned Tricksters - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 70 Imprisoned Tricksters - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 69 Visitors from the Sea - Part 4 02/16/2025
- Ch. 68 Visitors from the Sea - Part 3 02/16/2025
- Ch. 67 Visitors from the Sea - Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 66 Visitor from the sea - Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 65 Working with Collett! 02/16/2025
- Ch. 64 The Grand Announcement 02/16/2025
- Ch. 63 Setup for the Games 02/16/2025
- Ch. 62 Sabine and the Mountain Bike! 02/16/2025
- Ch. 61 A battle with Mitsuha-nee-sama! 02/16/2025
- Ch. 60 Capitalism 02/16/2025
- Ch. 59 Popcorn 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 58 Popcorn 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 57 Party 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 56 02/16/2025
- Ch. 55 02/16/2025
- Ch. 54 02/16/2025
- Ch. 53 02/16/2025
- Ch. 52 02/16/2025
- Ch. 51 02/16/2025
- Ch. 50 02/16/2025
- Ch. 49 02/16/2025
- Ch. 48 02/16/2025
- Ch. 47 02/16/2025
- Ch. 46 02/16/2025
- Ch. 45 02/16/2025
- Ch. 44 02/16/2025
- Ch. 43 Securing Personnel, Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 42 Securing Personnel, Part One 02/16/2025
- Ch. 41.2 Other World Offline Meeting, Part 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 41 Other World Offline Meeting, Part 1 02/16/2025
- Ch. 40.2 Blog 02/16/2025
- Ch. 40 Blog 02/16/2025
- Ch. 39 02/16/2025
- Ch. 38 Interviewer Mitsuha 02/16/2025
- Ch. 37.2 Viscountess Yamano (Part 3) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 37 Yamano Viscountess (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 36 Yamano Viscountess (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 35.2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 35 02/16/2025
- Ch. 34.3 Award Ceremony 02/16/2025
- Ch. 34.2 Award Ceremony 02/16/2025
- Ch. 34 Reward 02/16/2025
- Ch. 33.2 Dragon Buster (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 33 Dragon Buster (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 32.2 Shrine Princess, To The Battlefield (Part 3) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 32 Shrine Princess, To The Battlefield (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 31 Shrine Princess, To The Battlefield (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 30.2 The Princess Shrine Maidens Campaign (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 30 The Princess Shrine Maidens Campaign (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 29 And Then, It's War (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 28 And Then, It's War (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 27 02/16/2025
- Ch. 26.2 Overkill 02/16/2025
- Ch. 26 Yamano Cuisine 02/16/2025
- Ch. 25 Yamano Cuisine 02/16/2025
- Ch. 24 Strike And Smash This Bad Merchant 02/16/2025
- Ch. 23 To The Royal Castle 02/16/2025
- Ch. 22.2 Explosive Birth! Princess Shrine Maiden of Thunder (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 22 Explosive Birth! Princess Shrine Maiden of Thunder 02/16/2025
- Ch. 21 02/16/2025
- Ch. 20 Prey 02/16/2025
- Ch. 19.2 Mitsuha, Go on an Adventure! (Part 2) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 19 Mitsuha, Go on an Adventure! (Part 1) 02/16/2025
- Ch. 18 02/16/2025
- Ch. 17 Beckoning Beatrice 02/16/2025
- Ch. 16 Final Weapon 02/16/2025
- Ch. 15 Debutante 02/16/2025
- Ch. 14 Lady producer 02/16/2025
- Ch. 13 02/16/2025
- Ch. 12 02/16/2025
- Ch. 11 02/16/2025
- Ch. 10 02/16/2025
- Ch. 9 02/16/2025
- Ch. 8 02/16/2025
- Ch. 7 02/16/2025
- Ch. 6 02/16/2025
- Ch. 5 02/16/2025
- Ch. 4 02/16/2025
- Ch. 3 02/16/2025
- Ch. 2 02/16/2025
- Ch. 1 02/16/2025