When the Wischtech threatened to invade the fiefs of Szaalanden, the Emperor dispatched fourteen youths. Of these, the Seven Heroes halted the invasion to herald a time of prosperity while the four Lances of Betrayal were supposedly defeated.
Two decades later, the Lances of Betrayal have reappeared and formed a bandit militia near the frontier fief Gormbark. A man with a black sword and a scar over his left eye slays an entire troop of that militia. He is identified as the boy, Köinzell, and becomes as much an object of fear as of hope even as his own past, motivations, and purpose are a mystery to those he meets on his journey.
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- Ch. 161 Das Schloß des neuen Königs (The Fortress of the New King) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 160 Das Schloß des neuen Königs (The Fortress of the New King) I 03/03/2025
- Ch. 159 Alter Freund (Old Friend) V 03/03/2025
- Ch. 158 Alter Freund (Old Friend) IV 03/03/2025
- Ch. 157 Alter Freund (Old Friend) III 03/03/2025
- Ch. 156 Alter Freund (Old Friend) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 155 Alter Freund (Old Friend) I 03/03/2025
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- Ch. 148 Meine Hoffnung (My Hope) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 147 Blut und Blut (Blood and Blood) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 146 Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of the Heroes) V 03/03/2025
- Ch. 145 Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of the Heroes) IV 03/03/2025
- Ch. 144 Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of the Heroes) III 03/03/2025
- Ch. 143 Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of the Heroes) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 142 Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of the Heroes) I 03/03/2025
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- Ch. 140 Flügelzerstörrer (Wings Destroyer) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 139 Doppelte Blattmeister (Double Blatt Master) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 138 Neue Welt (A New World) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 137 Das Kleine Verbrechen (Insignificant Sin) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 136 Die Rückkehr (Return) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 135 Schwert des Reiches (Sword of the Empire) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 134 Schwert des Reiches (Sword of the Empire) I 03/03/2025
- Ch. 133 Eine Burg und Eine Burg (Fort and Fort) V 03/03/2025
- Ch. 132 Eine Burg und Eine Burg (Fort and Fort) IV 03/03/2025
- Ch. 131 Eine Burg und Eine Burg (Fort and Fort) III 03/03/2025
- Ch. 130 Eine Burg und Eine Burg (Fort and Fort) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 129 Eine Burg und Eine Burg (Fort and Fort) I 03/03/2025
- Ch. 128 Helligkeit des Schwertes (The Brilliance of a Sword) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 127 Meister (Master) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 126 Jagd (The Hunt) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 125 Stelle Alter Leute (The Land of Predecessors) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 124 Versuchung der Macht (The power That Temps) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 123 Ein großer Wohltäter 03/03/2025
- Ch. 122 Hände des Ärgers (Hands of Fury) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 121 Mein Meister (My Master) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 120 Loyalität (Loyalty) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 119 Sohn eines König (Son of a King) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 118 Neuer König ( The new King) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 117 Winterende (The End of Winter) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 116 Mein Vater (My Father) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 115 Die Helden (The Heroes) X 03/03/2025
- Ch. 114 Die Helden (The Heroes) IX 03/03/2025
- Ch. 113 Die Helden (The Heroes) VIII 03/03/2025
- Ch. 112 Die Helden (The Heroes) VII 03/03/2025
- Ch. 111 Die Helden (The Heroes) VI 03/03/2025
- Ch. 110 Die Helden (The Heroes) V 03/03/2025
- Ch. 109 Die Helden (The Heroes) IV 03/03/2025
- Ch. 108 Die Helden (The Heroes) III 03/03/2025
- Ch. 107 Die Helden (The Heroes) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 106 Die Helden (The Heroes) I 03/03/2025
- Ch. 105 Spear of the Heavens 03/03/2025
- Ch. 104 The Dragon's Corridor 03/03/2025
- Ch. 103 Fellunglogahe 03/03/2025
- Ch. 102 Die Brüder (The Brothers) II 03/03/2025
- Ch. 101 Die Brüder (The Brothers) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 100 Die Unbesiegte (The Undefeated) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 99 Die Träume (The Dreams) 03/03/2025
- Ch. 98 Sturz 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 97 Sturz 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 96 Sturz 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 95 Sturz 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 94 Sturz 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 93 Sturz 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 92 Erosion 9 03/03/2025
- Ch. 91 Erosion 8 03/03/2025
- Ch. 90 Erosion 7 03/03/2025
- Ch. 89 Erosion 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 88 Erosion 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 87 Erosion 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 86 Erosion 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 85 Erosion 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 84 Erosion 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 83 Grabsteine 03/03/2025
- Ch. 82 Der Gedanke der damit geschnitzt wurde 03/03/2025
- Ch. 81 Die Morgensonne 03/03/2025
- Ch. 80 Die Wahrheit 03/03/2025
- Ch. 79 Tabu 03/03/2025
- Ch. 78 Singstimme 03/03/2025
- Ch. 77 Versprechen 03/03/2025
- Ch. 76 Mein Herr 03/03/2025
- Ch. 75 Der Verlust 03/03/2025
- Ch. 74 Das Kommen 03/03/2025
- Ch. 73 Heftiger Angriff 03/03/2025
- Ch. 72 Belagerung 03/03/2025
- Ch. 71 Ein geheimer Kurs 03/03/2025
- Ch. 70 Das Schwert des Feenminerals 03/03/2025
- Ch. 69 Ein Kleines Blatt 03/03/2025
- Ch. 68 Wasserscheide 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 67 Wasserscheide 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 66 Wasserscheide 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 65 Flamme 03/03/2025
- Ch. 64 Die Faust 03/03/2025
- Ch. 63 Fahne 03/03/2025
- Ch. 62 Neues Schwert 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 61 Neues Schwert 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 60 Neues Schwert 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 59 Barestar 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 58 Barestar 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 57 Keil 03/03/2025
- Ch. 56 Reward of the Heroes 03/03/2025
- Ch. 55 Before Feelings 03/03/2025
- Ch. 54 Confusion 03/03/2025
- Ch. 53 Blow 03/03/2025
- Ch. 52 Counterattack 03/03/2025
- Ch. 51 Warriors Heart 03/03/2025
- Ch. 50 Young Blade 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 49 Young Blade 1 03/03/2025
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- Ch. 47 Für Meinen Helden 03/03/2025
- Ch. 46 Der Heldenmörder 8 03/03/2025
- Ch. 45 Der Heldenmörder 7 03/03/2025
- Ch. 44 Der Heldenmörder 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 43 Der Heldenmörder 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 42 Der Heldenmörder 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 41 Der Heldenmörder 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 40 Der Heldenmörder 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 39 Der Heldenmörder 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 38 Heavens Coffin 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 37 Heavens Coffin 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 36 Into the Darkness 03/03/2025
- Ch. 35 Schtemwölech 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 34 Schtemwölech 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 33 Schtemwölech 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 32 Schtemwölech 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 31 Schtemwölech 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 30 The Casthe of the Heroes 7 03/03/2025
- Ch. 29 The Castle of the Heroes 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 28 The Castle of the Heroes 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 27 The Castle of the Heroes 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 26 The Castle of the Heroes 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 25 The Castle of the Heroes 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 24 The Castle of the Heroes 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 23 Koinzell 03/03/2025
- Ch. 22 Night 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 21 Night 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 20 Night 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 19 Unrelenting Rain 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 18 Unrelenting Rain 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 17 Unrelenting Rain 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 16 Unrelenting Rain 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 15 Unrelenting Rain 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 14 Unrelenting Rain 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 13 Under the Cruel Moon 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 12 Under the Cruel Moon 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 11 Breaking through 8 03/03/2025
- Ch. 10 Breaking through 7 03/03/2025
- Ch. 9 Breaking through 6 03/03/2025
- Ch. 8 Breaking through 5 03/03/2025
- Ch. 7 Breaking through 4 03/03/2025
- Ch. 6 Breaking through 3 03/03/2025
- Ch. 5 Breaking through 2 03/03/2025
- Ch. 4 Breaking through 1 03/03/2025
- Ch. 3.5 Extra Chronicle - Blade Master 03/03/2025
- Ch. 3 Cost of Deception 03/03/2025
- Ch. 2 Blade of Lies 03/03/2025
- Ch. 1 Black Sword 03/03/2025